The voters of West Bengal and Kerala deserve special congratulations from every Indian for rejecting the 'hammer and sickle' party in the recently held Lok Sabha elections. Mr. Prakash Karat after assuming the post of general secretary of the CPM, started behaving in dictatorial manner without taking the senior leaders into confidence either in the matters of national importance or in the internal matters of the party. The first one being the opposition to the nuclear deal with US and withdrawal of support to the UPA government at the Center. When Mr. Somanath Chaterji refused to resign from the post of speaker for the same issue, he unceremoniously ousted the highly respected parliamentarian from the party. The voters of these two states have observed his tyrant style and rightly rejected the party.
While addressing an election meeting, some time back, Mr.pranab Mukerji had said that basing on the LS seats he Left had in 1952 (15) and the seat they had in 2004 (64) it will take 250 years for them to form government at the Center. If one takes the number seats they have in LS now ,it will take more than 600 years to form government at the Center. That is very good news for young India.If the LEFT is not going to change their thinking.attitude and idealogy, they are rest asssured that their days are over.
LEFT will be left alone