Sunday, April 19, 2009


The recent decision of the government in respect of property registrations is a move in the right direction. However our 'babus' at the registration office will find one reason or the other to defer/delay the process to extract money from the gullible public. Guidelines and rules alone will not boot out the corruption. It is the political will from the people who are holding the reins of power is required to fight this menace. The need of the hour is to empower the Lokhayuktha take action against the erring officials independent of departmental enquirers. There are instances that officials caught in bribery cases having been promoted or getting a better placement. All the hard work done by the Lokhayuktha goes in vain.

appeared in dna news paper on 20-04-09

1 comment:

  1. Lokha yuktha should be given more power as indicated in the article.
