Friday, April 24, 2009


The allies of the Congress, after having failed to reach an understanding with the Congress in pre-poll, have started putting pressure on it to give up the top post.The allies demand is unreasonable and the Congress should not buckle under pressure.Look at the seats held by the allies in the current Lok Sabha and seats likely, they aspire to get. Apart from Left, no Congress ally is likely to get more than 30 seats and inspite of that every single leader is dreaming of top post.The regional party leaders lack in broader vision , understanding of world economy,complex foreign policy and host other things that are required to run the country efficiently in this troubled times.Now, the time is ripe for the two top national parties, to join together and form government,setting aside their petty differences.They can have common minimum programme without touching the controversial isues and leaving them to have natural death. Since both the parties have development as 'mantra' for progress, they can provide a stable, efficient government, as both the parties have galaxy of leaders capable of providing good administration.And the regional parties will get to see their real place.In politics nothing is impossible.The possibility of impossibility is politics.Let us hope to see that possible day at the earliest.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea. needs to be experimented.Vikas Yadav
