Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This has reference to the statement made by Mr. Anantha kumar, BJP candidate from Bangaluru south constituency seeking explanation from Mr. Krishna Byre gowda of the Congress for the blasts that have occured in India in the last one year and there are no blasts inthe USA after 9/11. Mr. Anantha kumar pointing fingers towards Krishna byre gowda as if all the blasts are the acts of UPA government at the center.I thinkMr.ANANTHA KUMAR is aware the kind of financial power USA possess vis-a-vis India to deal with international terrorism.Secondly the dimensions and dynamics of Indian economy is differentfrom that of USA.The enemies of USA are out siders unlike in India where the enemies are out siders as well as insiders.Geographically, we are at disadvantageous position because the epicenter of all terrorism in the world is Pakistan who is our immediate neighbor.The neighboring countries of USA are not terrorist infected or un friendly countries as that of India. Mr. Anantha kumar and his party has to offer explanation for what happened during NDA rule like Ghodra incidents,Kandhar hijacking and attack on Parliament among others. Mr.Anantha kumar's indication that if NDA government were to be power during the previous year they would have prevented all the blasts that occured.

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