While reviewing the article of Mr.Razeen Sally, director of European Center for International Political Economy, in the recent issue of Financial Times, Mr. Jaganathan,executive editor of DNA, quotes that Dr.Singh, is unworthy to the title-India’s best known reformer, and the Congress deserve to lose in the current election.
He compares Singh’s performance as prime minister and his better record as reformer in 91-96.This is misplaced criticism without understanding the ground reality that existed then and now.
The situation during the period when Dr. Singh was finance minister and the situation when he took over as prime minister of the country were entirely different. During the earlier period, Mr. Singh had complete authority to implement the reforms without any influences and pressures either from the regional allies or the Left. In 2004 the Congress which had secured less than 150 seats formed an alliance with like minded (unlike) parties and the Left, whose ideology and understanding of the economy was at a tangent to that of the Congress with an agenda of keeping the BJP out of power. People who have in-depth knowledge of regional parties and their politics know how difficult it is carry on with them.
The growth in GDP compares favorably to many developed and emerging economies during the tenure of Dr.Singh’ prime ministership. Because of high oil prices internationally during 2007-08 there was strain on public sector oil marketing companies in price recovery. Keeping the common man interest in view, prices are not allowed to spiral upwards. Whenever the issue of further reform was taken up, either in Banking, Public sector units, Telecom and others sectors, the Left parties have been expressing their displeasure, which is known to the whole world. What can be the kind of reform one can bring about with such allies who neither understand the meaning nor its implication to the country in the long run.
The linking of suspect Israel defence deal and Satyam scam to Dr.Singh is highly ridiculous and speaks of an attempt to malign without putting any effort to know the facts.
Dr.Singh, arguably is one of the respected, honest and the best reformer in contemporary politics. Even the opposition parties in India admit this privately, if not publicly.
Under the circumstances, Dr.Singh has done an excellent job by any measure it could not have been carried out in a better manner.
Undoubtedly Dr. Singh has done a commemdable job. Suchitra